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Showing posts from February, 2012

Selling Contraband Cigarettes

After I left the tenant meeting early an interesting issue come up by the UNH”s Director she claims a tenant is selling contraband to the old folks across the street and everybody is in a huff.  *What goes on outside the building, stays outside the building* North American natives have been smoking tobacco for hundreds of years and they still do to this day. Surprisingly at certain times during the day you can see UNH’s staff huddled together puffing their brains out in front of the building in all kinds of weather, you can guess where they bought their cigarettes.  Why is the Director so concerned when she’s a big smoker herself?  Could it be because her sister (who works across the street) has a big mouth! :P   I’m aware selling contraband to non natives is illegal it’s a Canadian law I do not agree with, the penalty is a maximum fine of $500.00 and your stuff will be confiscated.  The RCMP claim selling contraband promotes organized crime….you know w...

Access To The Internet

A legitimate beef was brought up at the tenant meeting by Holy Moses.  His complaint was the computers don’t work properly and need replacement.  Since I was banned from using the PC’s in the community room because of this blog site I really don’t give a shit but I will give my 2 cents+. Lorraine B said because of downloads and certain web pages the machines don’t work.  That’s not necessarily so there are many factors why a PC freezes up or is slow.  One is age the machines are old model dell computers and require constant rebooting and another is a possible malware/virus in the PC. The anti-virus security software may be outdated and needs an upgrade. Proper maintenance is required cleaning the inside for dust and lint is very important. Cleaning all files in the hard drive and defragment is a must. Finally if all else fails then you will need to reinstall Windows XP operating systems, last year I asked the computer guy about the cost of reinstallation he quoted ...

Tenant Meeting Feb 22, 2012

At the last minute I decided to attend the meeting and I was surprised to see the Director in the room. Even though there's tension between us I thought “Ok, let’s see where this goes” and I sat down… the meeting progressed and each of the staff did their shtick it was quite obvious most of the topics didn't apply to me but I was looking forward to question period. Today I have no complaints about the meeting and the staff didn’t drive me nuts with their “don’t do this and don’t do that or else” scenario. Near the end I asked the Director probably IMO the most important question in regard to their non profit organization and she gave me an acceptable answer.  I was impressed with the few tenants who voiced their concerns but not with those who interrupt or make snide remarks when another is speaking.  Let’s not forget our manners people! I didn’t stick around for the adjournment I had a plate of leftovers and I’m famous for fast exits.  :) Things looked promising...

Vital Statistics

According to my blog stats Canada, USA, Russia, India, Europe and the UK are the most popular countries that visit “Hamilton Native Housing”. This is a remarkable achievement on my part but I do question why Russia is interested in Native Canadians, if they plan on an invasion then I strongly recommend we use Urban Native Homes Inc. as cannon fodder. :P

Fire Alarm Inspection / Tenant Meeting

We had another scheduled fire alarm test today…the last time my smoke detector was inspected was on November 25 2011 during the annual unit inspection, I’m all for safety but let’s not go ballistic.  The good thing was the fire alarm inspector guy was quick and unlike last year Lorraine B. did not waltz in when I opened the door. This time she stood at the entrance which is appropriate…..or perhaps she didn’t want to be caught on camera. LOL Breaking News! …This just in folks another pot luck/tenant meeting is coming up and tenants are required to contribute and list what they bring.  I see KM’s strategy sneaky bunch aren’t they!  :P I haven’t decided if I’ll attend yet, do I want to spend good money at the bakery then risk being annoyed and bored shitless at a meeting.  Of course if they were offering game tickets.  ;)

This blog site is going to Beta format, as of now Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex will be included in my Twitter Updates.  My diabolical masterplan is to reach a wider audience. Stay tuned for some fun & a few shocking revelations ...then again it could turn out boring like watching paint dry.

Native Women's Centre

Last year I read in the Hamilton Spectator NWC and other non profit organizations will be experiencing funding cuts and unfortunately this has caused a ripple effect in the urban native community.  Yesterday KMHC tenants received a notice from the office that the NWC food hamper program will be limited only to those “experiencing extreme financial hardship.” I think a clearer definition is needed…does a person have to be eating canned dog food or living on bread and water before they can get assistance?  Come on people!  Any person who’s on OW/ODSP or on a pension is living below the poverty line to me that would qualify as “extreme financial hardship” Don’t let the food hamper program deteriorate you could save $$ by describing to an applicant what is available and ask if these items are needed.  Some of the items that NWC put in the boxes are not always used.  Don’t get me wrong NWC is an excellent organization…you ladies just need to do some brainstorming. ...

The Trading Post

In my previous blog titled “Arts & Crafts Christmas Extravaganza” I suggested KM use the trading posts available in the downtown area to advertise fundraising events.  Yesterday I was walking downtown and I noticed someone from the office must have brought out the duct tape and actually got off their ass and walked around and taped leaflets on the trading posts.  Well done……It’s about time they listened to our suggestions if not in person at least on print.  Since I never received any recognition for my original ingenious idea I’ll be expecting a cut in the profits, a large order of scone, soup and a drink will be sufficient. :)

The Power Of Words

This amazing video reminds me of the time I was getting off the bus at Gore Park when I noticed a blind man with a white cane standing around he looked confused and those walking by just ignored him. So I approached the man and asked if he needs help, he was looking for a store on King Street so I offered to take him there.  I was about to take his arm when he said “If you don’t mind I would rather put my left hand on your right shoulder and you can lead the way” I agreed and when we reached the store he thanked me.  I learned something that day…find the time and not be afraid all it takes is a few minutes to help those who are in need or handicapped.  :)

The X Generation Group Hey bloggers I'm shamelessly promoting my Facebook group which I created 4 years ago and I invite you all to read my description and join.  Generation X is a term used to describe generations in many countries around the world born from 1965 to around 1980, this group is for them. Who says Facebook is just for teens, I say lets unite and show the young people of the world how we socialize and discuss our adventures and misfortunes as we travel down this road called life. This group 's objective is to have fun and topics on social issues, sports, music, sex, current and past events, everyday life and silly stuff are welcome regardless of age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political views or different nationalities. Playful banter is fine but abusive anti social comments will be deleted. *As Administrator Tony King opens the door to the land of the X Generation Group.*