Recently a gym member and I were talking about Native issues in Canada when to my surprise Urban Native Homes Inc. came up in conversation. The gym member is also a member of the United Way senior management staff. The United Way was a financial supporter for Urban Native Homes Inc.for many moons. The KMHC building opened up as the first Aboriginal housing facility for seniors in Canada. I remember walking by the building on opening day and noticed local dignitaries and news media covering the story plus the United Way was there too. So here's the scoop readers, some years later things started looking fishy with Urban Native Homes Inc. when staff started writing up false and misleading financial statements to the United Way foundation. This activity was also going on at the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre when they were located on Main Street E. The Director of Hamilton Regional Indian Centre at the time said to the United Way representative "It's not your money ...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.