A few weeks ago I got word another KMHC tenant pioneer has suddenly passed away Linda Wallage. I decided to wait awhile to share my thoughts. Many years ago I remember when Linda took over the position as receptionist at Urban Native Homes Inc head office on Albert Street. I liked her immediately she was bubbly and friendly to us tenants who dropped by to pay the rent. Later she became UNH director Janis Lewis-Deeley's assistant, I recall one time at Gage Park UNH's held a summer picnic for tenants. Many tenants showed up for the food but the UNH organizers didn't arrange any games or contests for the tenants to participate. As I watched from the background I can see the picnic event was sinking fast. Suddenly Linda Wallage got up and shouts encouragement to tenants to play kick the ball and came up with other games. Months later I gave her a compliment on how she saved the picnic she replied 'I had to do something, it was so boring!' we both laughed...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.