On Thursday evening I was informed by a dear friend and former next door KMHC neighbour there will be a ceremony for the late Albert Decaire at the KMHC courtyard on Friday and I was invited to be her escort. I have good memories of Uncle Albert, when he moved in some years ago I gave him the nickname from the classic Paul McCartney hit song Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey. He got a kick out of it. 😊 The best part of the ceremony is when Luke Johns dressed in Native attire performed native songs and a prayer. Being a former tenant of KMHC for nine years I have made friends along way, even though it was not a social event many tenants approached me with hugs and greetings. With the family’s permission a few photos were taken of the ceremony that I will share in this blog post. Now I will mention the disruption at the ceremony caused by the nefarious Aunt Opie aka Joan Frame. She doesn’t realiz...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.