For many who read my posts the initials H.O.W. are often written which stands for Housing Outreach Worker. You may be wondering what kind of job title is that! The duties include assisting tenants when there is a problem and to work on a solution together. Basically HOW’s are suppose to be there for the tenant, at least that’s what I’ve been told by former HOW’s that worked here. Former UNH’s staff Joseph Anton, Stephanie Hagar, Gerry Burning, Lorraine Brown, Charles Jacobs and Christine Demick were H.O.W.’s generally I’ve gotten along well with all of them and remain cordial right up to the end of their employment. Allow me to describe the current H.O.W. Lynda Jones, when she came on board she was quiet and didn’t interact socially with tenants in the building or outside. She had a tough act to follow after Lorraine Brown left the organization. Lorraine Brown a wonderful lady who actually cared for the tenants. Gradually...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.