It's been many years since I visited Six Nations. Today a gym buddy and I drove to Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Pow Wow & Traditional Gathering. We arrived right on time for the opening ceremony. It was a good day for a Pow Wow I found a great spot standing on a tree stump to take photos of the dancers, later we manage to find time to tour the native arts and craft display when suddenly the Creator decided to cast heavy rain showers. The rain didn’t dampen our spirits some visitors waited around for it to pass then the Pow Wow continued. Tenant Moosehead was there as a parking lot jockey and later I was totally blown away when I ran into Lesley-Anne Connell and her sons, her brother is one of my oldest friends. Lesley-Ann's family is Scottish and for her to introduce her children to Native culture is a wonderful thing. I gave her a hug and off she went to enjoy the Pow Wow. Later my buddy and I decided to get a bite...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.