So far it’s been a good summer I don’t listen or get involved with the tenant gossip mongers and I go about my own business. There was a time when the H.O.W.’s would interact with the tenants but no more. During the day the office staff would barricade themselves in the back of the basement office. Many times in the hallway H.O.W. Lynda Jones would walk by me and she’d have her nose in the air. Great way to build a rapport with tenants Lynda. :P I like the UNH’s maintenance staff they take the time to say hello and chat for a few minutes then it’s back to work. These guys are the backbone of UNH’s, not the pencil pushers in the KMHC office. Bad Apple tenant Dean King, I haven’t spoke one word to this guy since our blow out last year yet he keeps mouthing off whenever our paths cross at the KMHC entrance door and the courtyard. Message to Dean King: time to get on with your life and stop acting like a jilted woman. I have no desire to be ...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.