Not only is the HSC’s attitude cold now the KMHC staff can’t or won’t make it to work because of the cold weather. Jeezus! We’re Canadians we’re use to the cold, get over it! So where does this leave KMHC tenants. Well so far this morning I’ve seen tenant Janis struggle to get into a cab so she can make it to the hospital for dialysis treatment. Tenants waiting for the community room to open so they can use the computer and check the weather report. Tenants standing around the office entrance waiting to talk to staff. And the worst is the recycling bins have over flown and started to stink up the hallway. This place has gone down the toilet and we can thank HSC Ingrid Nosel for the decline. Now if we had a superintendent in the building he could update the tenants on what services will be available for the day…but Noooo! They had to fire the last one and leave the Native Elders who rely on KMHC to their own devices. :P I wasn’t going to mention this i...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.