The other day as I was walking in the hallway something came to mind. Ever since my Eagle Feather blog many moons ago there hasn’t been any big Native events in the KMHC community room. No smudge ceremonies, no Native foods, no Native prayers and no Native speeches to inspire …Zippo! I’ve never seen the Housing Service Coordinator Ingrid Nosel ever host a Native ceremony I doubt she knows or speaks her own Native language which is quite pathetic and UNH’s hired her to run this place! :P Jeezus! As far as aboriginal artifacts there’s not much in the common areas of the building, in the basement they have a few pictures on the wall of native elders from “God knows where” they are certainly not past or present tenants. In the community room there is a smudge bowl that is never used and a few strands of sweet grass that is so old it’s not sweet anymore. No dream catchers, no Native art on display. The late famous Native artist Norval Morrisseau who I ...