Next month July 24, 2012 is the official Hamilton Native Housing blog site anniversary. As we approach it's two year existence and pass 10,000 pageviews I would like to take this time to thank those who dropped by and read my posts. My first post titled “Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing” was a major rant I typed up after seeing some shit going on around here and I was elated many people in town and around the world read it. Last year I had a private conversation outside the building with a KMHC outreach worker and I asked their opinion about this blog site, I was complimented on my writing skills and suggested I focus on bigger issues outside of this building. Metaphorically speaking KMHC is a little fish in a big pond and Urban Native Homes Inc. don’t like their dirty laundry hung out in public and the board members are pulling each others hair out in frustration. After our conversation I thought about it for awhile but as you can tell I didn't take...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.