........There’s a fine line between these two words. Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex claim the surveillance cameras are for tenant security and protection and I have to ask “from what?” Surveillance means monitoring the behavior of others usually for the purpose of influencing, managing, controlling or protecting, surveillance is therefore an ambiguous practice, sometimes creating positive effects, at other times negative. As long as I've been a tenant in this building I've never heard of a break and enter or a tenant being physically attacked or robbed. IMO Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou staff use it to spy and to keep tabs on the tenants and their guests then write up petty reports on any minor infraction, they actually have a person on the payroll who watch the monitors which is a waste of time, this activity is not illegal but it is sleazy & creepy. Being one of the first employees to work at ADT Security Systems automated station in Toronto I know a...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.