On Wednesday Urban Native Homes Inc. hosted a luncheon honoring
the Eagle Feather and what it symbolizes in our Native culture. Guest speaker Walter
Cooke did an excellent presentation and I got the opportunity to chat with him. Even
though we tenants received an open invitation I had not idea what to expect
when I walked in the community room most in attendance were the UNH’s employees
and only 8 tenants showed up.
Awkward moment – When Walter signaled the Director to sit at
our table I could tell by her body language she didn’t want to but reluctantly sat down
anyway. Can you imagine Tony King &
the UNH’s Director sitting and dining at the same table, sort of like The Iron Lady sits with Chief Crazy Horse. :D
*It should be noted according to the history books Chief Crazy Horse was a handsome man.* ;)
*It should be noted according to the history books Chief Crazy Horse was a handsome man.* ;)
Funny moments – Standing in the buffet line I decided
to tease the computer guy which in turn made Tammy T. laugh. Charles was a good host in offering
us what beverages were available I said “I’ll have a run & coke on the
rocks” ;) but knew I was shit out of luck so I asked for coffee. :)
It was nice that staff member Teresa offered to serve us and honorable mention goes to Tracy the receptionist for the fish cakes. In the end I shook Mr. Cooke’s hand and
said goodbye. The only piss off
is when new tenant Deb Chrysler who sat beside me said a disparaging remark about my son.....which I chose to ignore.